- Altar Cleaning
Is responsible for preparing the altar for the celebration of Mass. There are many opportunities to serve in different ways which include care of altar linens and vestments, wash and iron the linen used at Mass and clean the church.
- Altar Decorating
Is responsible for decorating the Sanctuary for liturgical seasons of the year. Responsibilities range from watering plants, coordinating the purchase of special decorations and creating beautiful displays during Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.
- Bereavement Ministry
Our mission is to embrace our grieving parish families through faithful service with love and compassion. We commit ourselves to do so by: Assisting families to plan the Liturgy, extending hospitality by greeting and communicating with the bereaved, offering support to the dying and their families and remembering our deceased throughout the year at the Annual Memorial Mass/Service. Personal attributes required are a commitment to group objectives, previous knowledge and/or interpersonal experiences with grieving and empathy for the bereaving.
- Eucharistic Ministers
Perhaps no other ministry for lay Catholics is more meaningful for the participant or rewarding for the recipient than that of receiving the Eucharist. To become a Eucharistic Minister one has to be a practicing Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Training sessions are held at various times throughout the year.
- Lectors
This ministry seeks to incorporate faithful members of the laity into the liturgical celebration. Lectors proclaim God’s Word to the congregation and as such, play a vital role in the Mass. No special qualifications are necessary to be a lector, just reverence for the Word and some preparation before Mass.
- Music Ministry
Our choir glorifies God in all they do personally, collectively and musically. Their mission is prepare and provide quality music for liturgy.
- Sacristans
Prepare the altar before each Mass and get the altar ready for the next liturgy.
- Ushers
Greet parishioners as they arrive at Mass, take up the collection, distribute the bulletin and help clean up the church after Mass.